Faith in Hard Times

This week, I’ve thought a lot about my aunt Mehana. She has always been a special person in my life. From the time I was born, she has been a constant in my life and  I’ve always known that no matter what, I could lean on and count on her for whatever I need. I’ve also always looked up to her as an example of being bold and steadfast in her testimony and faith in the gospel of Jesus Christ.

Last year, Mehana was diagnosed with cancer. It was soon after I moved to New York, and I remember feeling more homesick that day than I had felt before and have felt since then. I longed to be there for her in person and help her with whatever she needed. I wanted to give her a hug so badly and tell her that I was there for her. Though I still wish I could be there in person, I am blessed to see both her spiritual and physical journey from a distance. 

She is still in the process of receiving cancer treatments, and I know that it has not been easy for her. Her body has become weaker, and she has had to learn to rely more on others for things that she used to be able to do on her own. Even though it has been difficult, I have been impressed by how she moves forward with a positive attitude. She has continued to work full-time. She has continued in her calling of Young Women’s President. She has continued to love and serve those around her.

The thing that I have been most impressed with is the faith that Mehana has shown throughout the entire process. As I have talked to her and heard secondhand from others, she has approached every single decision prayerfully, with the faith in God’s will. I’ve seen her recognize the Lord’s hand in her life at a time when it can be very difficult to do so.

When I talked to Mehana last week, I was shown even more how she has displayed faith in God throughout her journey. When she had some tests done, she disappointingly found out that some of her numbers had increased. This means that her current treatments aren’t working like they are supposed to and they would need to be modified. The doctor gave her three options of what they could do moving forward. In that moment, Mehana told the doctor that she needed to pray about it, and asked if the doctor would like to stay and join her in prayer. After the prayer, Mehana felt at peace with the option that she chose. The doctor, who was not a member of the church, thanked her for such a powerful experience and told Mehana that she would like to be present anytime Mehana prays while at the office.

Hearing this experience from Mehana brought me to tears. I knew that she must have been struggling in the moment, but she chose to turn to God in the midst of the challenge. Because she did this, not only was she able to feel God’s love and build her relationship with Him, her doctor was able to feel the same thing.

Faith in Jesus Christ

As I’ve thought about Mehana and her journey over the past few months, I’ve been able to also think about the power of and importance of faith in each of our individual lives. We can learn from the gospel topics that faith must be centered on Jesus Christ. It goes on further to say, “We can exercise faith in Christ when we have an assurance that He exists, a correct idea of His character, and a knowledge that we are striving to live according to His will. Having faith in Jesus Christ means relying completely on Him—trusting in His infinite power, intelligence, and love. It includes believing His teachings. It means believing that even though we do not understand all things, He does. Because He has experienced all our pains, afflictions, and infirmities, He knows how to help us rise above our daily difficulties”

If our faith is not founded in Jesus Christ, then it will not last. I believe with all of my heart that Christ has suffered everything that we will suffer in this life. Because of this, he knows how we feel and He is the only one that can truly succor us. He knows how to help us in good times. He knows what we need in difficult times. He knows how He needs to show us His love personally so that we can feel his presence as we go about our daily lives. When our faith is founded on Jesus Christ, we can have the strength to move forward, no matter our circumstances. 

In the Book of Mormon, we learn that faith is also having a hope in God. In Alma 32:21, it says, “And now as I said concerning faith—faith is not to have a perfect knowledge of things; therefore if ye have faith ye hope for things which are not seen, which are true.” Sometimes, we feel like we have to have answers to move forward, when in reality, that is the opposite of what faith really is. Faith means that we will move forward in our lives, while believing that God knows best and He will not lead you astray. Having faith also means that we must be seeking God and His will in all that we do. As we seek Him, he will guide us and make sure that we are on the path that is right for us. 

Our Faith Will be Tested

Mehana, when talking about her experience when beginning her cancer journey said, “The mountain ahead of me was too big for me to climb alone.  I started reading the scriptures and focused on all the times that the Savior healed the sick hoping to find some kind of list of what I needed to do to qualify for the same healing.  In every case, all that was required was Faith in Christ. So, I hit my knees and changed my words of my prayers from “support me in my fight” to “please help me accept this trial and whatever outcome it may bring”.  That was a hard reality to come to terms with.  But once I did, I felt so much lighter, and my perspective started to be centered more on those around me rather than on myself.”

President Nelson, in a conference talk from 2011 taught us: 

“Why do we need such resilient faith? Because difficult days are ahead. Rarely in the future will it be easy or popular to be a faithful Latter-day Saint. Each of us will be tested. The Apostle Paul warned that in the latter days, those who diligently follow the Lord “shall suffer persecution.” That very persecution can either crush you into silent weakness or motivate you to be more exemplary and courageous in your daily lives.

How you deal with life’s trials is part of the development of your faith. Strength comes when you remember that you have a divine nature, an inheritance of infinite worth. The Lord has reminded you, your children, and your grandchildren that you are lawful heirs, that you have been reserved in heaven for your specific time and place to be born, to grow and become His standard bearers and covenant people. As you walk in the Lord’s path of righteousness, you will be blessed to continue in His goodness and be a light and a savior unto His people.”

Though it’s not easy, developing and acting our our faith is an essential part of our mortal life. Our purpose here on this earth is to learn and grow, all the while trusting in and depending on the Lord. He knows what is best for us. He will be there for us, both in the good times and in the hard times.

Blessings and Promises of Faith

President Monson promised us blessings according to our faith. He said, “I testify to you that our promised blessings are beyond measure. Though the storm clouds may gather, though the rains may pour down upon us, our knowledge of the gospel and our love of our Heavenly Father and of our Savior will comfort and sustain us and bring joy to our hearts as we walk uprightly and keep the commandments…My beloved brothers and sisters, fear not. Be of good cheer. The future is as bright as your faith.”

I know that this is true. I know that as we strive to have faith throughout our lives, no matter what we are going through, the Lord will comfort and sustain us. No matter what is ahead, we have reason to be of good cheer because we know that the Lord is on our side. Just as Mehana has shown her faith over the past year, I know that each of us can turn to the Lord and have faith in the hard times.